Welcome to the
Website of St. Monica, Bootle
Mass Times
Monday - Mass at 12noon
Wednesday - Mass 12noon - (private livestream Mass celebrated by Fr Pat).
Thursday - Mass at 12noon
Saturday - Vigil Mass - 4.30pm
Sunday - Mass at 9.30am
Each Mass is available to watch online via our 24hour live stream link. Please click here to access.
Monday and Thursday : 11:30am to 11:50am
Saturdays : 3.45pm -4.15pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed before Mass on Monday and Thursday. Also, 24 hour adoration of the Blessed Sacrament can be viewed here
Contact Us
St Monica's Catholic Church,
Fernhill Road Bootle,
L20 9GA
Fr Gerard Callacher VF, Parish Priest.
Mrs Roberta Green, PEP, Parish Secretary
0151 922 4819
Archdiocese of Liverpool – Charity number 1199714
Tuesday - Friday 11.00.am – 1.30.pm